Sunday, May 17, 2009

Plan Revisions

These are some of the newest plans showing revision at the Cuatro Pavilion stage and the Recital Hall. One of the comments during my presentation in Boston this past April was about the scale of the Pavilion stage wall facing Calle Javilla. The Wall seemed too tall for the pedestrian scale of the adjacent sidewalk. My approach was to carve a space on top of the backstage area of the pavilion and create an overlooking terrace that will take advantage of the "Cordillera Central"(Mountain Range) views on the north side. This leaves the stage "shell" as a free-standing object that projects higher than the sorrounding volumesA similar problem occured on the Recital Hall wall facing Calle Javilla. My solution was to break the wall by offsetting the wall on the Second Level creating a better scale relationship between the Recital Hall volume and the adjacent existing two-story buildings. Next tep is to update the 3D perspectives to reflect the changes.

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