What is my Thesis about?
Growing up in
The Puerto Rican Music Learning Center tries to capture the essence of Puerto Rican Jibaro Music, its performances and celebrations.[1] The
What is it?
My thesis is an exploration of the usage of architectural language as an instrument for the fostering of Puerto Rican Jibaro music. This shall be achieved through a mixture of indoor and outdoor spaces that represent Puerto Rican culture and encourage community interaction through live musical performances, teaching and educational exhibits.
What is it for?
Two main outdoor performance spaces will serve as pavilions for concerts, festivals and private events. Retail shops will be available for local artists to showcase their arts and crafts as well as food shops catering local cuisine. There is also an educational part of the building containing a Puerto Rican Music Museum as well as class rooms where Jibaro music and instrument building is taught.
What does it portray?
It portrays Puerto Rican Jibaro Music and its people, their culture and geographical location through architectural spaces, the choice of materials and construction methods.
What does it provide to the community?
The complex provides the community with a civic and educational facility that fosters the knowledge about Puerto Rican music and encourages social interaction between its citizens. Who is it for?
The complex is intended to be a catalyst for the younger Puerto Rican generation particularly towards primary and secondary students. During the day, the learning center and museum will work in conjunction with local and regional schools bringing in students to take classes and learn about Puerto Rican Jibaro Music. During the night it will be featuring classes, seminars, lectures and instrument building workshops to the general public. There will be concerts offered throughout the year sponsored by the City of
Contextually, the building is meant to create an urban language that takes advantage of the topography of the site. This is by having different access levels throughout the site and carving spaces from the existing hill. Different indoor spaces are interconnected with a series of outdoor plazas and promenades which put emphasis on the pedestrian experience throughout the site. The complex establishes a connection with the existing
The proposed site for my thesis project is located in the city of
The complex is intended to create an environment where the young generation is encouraged to learn and appreciate the music of
At the pavilion there will be free concerts by local and national artists as well it will be available to the open public for impromptu performances. People will come for classes, seminars and concerts. An instrument shop will allow people to learn how to build their own instruments as well as to play them. Kiosks type of spaces will be provided for local food and crafts along with a restaurant and a live music bar. The promenade between the buildings will incorporate an interactive-user activated type of installation. People will be able to make music themselves by speaking, touching and moving. When is it going to happen?
All year long events will take advantage of the tropical climate and use the outdoor performance spaces. The mixture of restaurants, cafes and bars will bring people to the building and the city regardless if there is any concert or mayor event. Who is going to pay for it and why?
The construction and maintenance of the building will be carried out by the City of
The educational portion of the building includes 4 classrooms, 6 practice studios, 2 ensemble studios, 1 instrument building shop, 4 administrative offices, ect. Performance spaces are the following: 200-seat recital hall, 700-seat outdoor pavilion with movable roof, 800-capacity open-air amphitheater. In addition there will be a restaurant, 1 live music bar, 2 cafes, 1 coffee shop/art gallery, 1 music/retail shop. The site will also provide an underground parking facility, which is important in an area where parking is scarce.
Musical Brainstorm:
Human Aspects:
Sentimental, pleasure, intimate, joyful, moody, inspiring, stressful, calming, thoughtful, spontaneous, ethereal, real, personal, identity, public, perceived, ignored, passionate, effortless, bright, dark, colorful, plain, strong, weak, loud, undertone, hard, soft, verbal, lyrical, expressive, reminiscent, novel, brilliant, obtuse, memory, energetic, anecdotal, descriptive, journey…
Technical Aspects:
Note, tone, time, rhythmic, beat, pause, flow, proportional, arbitrary, changeable, static, variable, consistent, repetitive, rigid, flexible, structured, makeshift, high, low, spectral, time, calculated, precise, spaced, equal, pitch, sharp, full, reflective, reverberate, fusion, diffuse, beginning, end, responsive…
Abstract Aspects:
Communicates, tactual, visual, pervasive, portable, flavored, creates, detachment, phenomenal, dense…
[1] For a definition of Jibaro Music click on the following link: http://www.cuatro-pr.org/Home/Eng/Instrmus/Genres/genres.htm